Connecting Your Wallet

Before interacting with the Clarity Platform follow these instructions to connect your wallet.

Step 0: Have a Cardano wallet from the list below installed, on the proper network, with collateral set.

The following wallets are supported by Clarity

  • Eternl

  • Flint

  • Gero

  • Lode

  • Lace

  • Nami

  • Nufi

  • Yoroi

  • Vespr

Make sure your wallet is on the right network. Need help? See: Switching Networks

Make sure your collateral is set. Need help? See: Setting Collateral

Eternl users should connect to Clarity using the Eternl DApp Browser

Step 1: click "Connect Wallet"

Step 2: select the wallet option you would like to use.

Your first time connecting to Clarity with a wallet, you'll need to Register for Clarity.

That's it! You are all set to start interacting with the Clarity Platform.

Last updated