Finishing Setting Up Your Organization

Once you have created a new Organization, follow these steps to finish your setup process and get ready to onboard your community!

Navigate to the Admin page of your new Organization, where you'll see a setup widget to finish getting your Organization ready. Once you complete these steps, the widget will disappear.

Step 1: Name, Description, and Image

To complete this step, make sure your Organization has a Name, Description, and you've uploaded an image. If you need to update your Organization's information to complete this step, click the Edit button at the top of the Admin page. Update the required information and save your changes.

Step 2: Register Governance Assets

Registered Governance Assets can be used to create Voting Power Calculations, which are used in Polls and Snapshot Proposal voting. In this stage, you'll register your Organization's existing tokens, LP tokens, NFTs, etc. that you would like to use for governance purposes. To register Snapshot Governance Assets, navigate to the Governance page for your organization, go to the Admin tab, and click 'Edit' under Governance Tokens.

Step 3: Configure Voting Power Calculations

Use the Governance Assets you configured in Step 3 to create a custom voting power calculation. To create a custom voting power calculation, navigate to the Governance Page for your organization, go to the Admin tab, and click 'Add' under Vote Power Calculations. Change the Calculation Type to 'Token Weighted' and configure tokens to this voting power calculation.

It's recommended to create a Default Token Weighted voting power for your Organization. Your default power calculation is used in Permission checks throughout the Clarity app.

Step 4: Configure Governance Settings

Define who has permission to create Snapshot Governance Assets. You can do this on the Governance Page, under the Governance Settings Tab, by clicking the Edit button at the top of the Governance Settings Widget.

Step 5: Configure New Member Workflow

Set up the flow that new members of your Organization will go through in order to join. The membership workflow can be configured by navigating to the Membership page for your Organization and clicking the Admin tab. Configure the New Member Application to your liking.

Once these changes are saved, you're ready to onboard your community!

Last updated