Configure Voting Power Calculations

Organizations can configure multiple Voting Power Calculations to use in different stages of their governance workflows.

Adding a New Vote Power Calculation

Step 0: Navigate to the Vote Power Calculation Section

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Governance page of your Organization. Click the Governance Settings Tab.

Step 1: Add a new Calculation

In the Vote Power Calculation Section, click Add. This will create a new voting power that will have type 1 member 1 vote by default. To change this, Edit your Voting Power Calculation.

Editing A Vote Power Calculation

Step 0: Navigate to the Vote Power Calculation you want to edit

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Governance page of your Organization. Click the Governance Settings Tab. Find the Voting Power Calculation you want to manage and click it.

Step 1: Click the edit icon

Step 2: Fill out the form to edit the Voting Power Calculation

Name: Give this Voting Power Calculation a name.

Use as Default?: Select if this is the default calculation for your Organization. Default Calculations are used to calculate voting power in Snapshot permissions calculations, like membership & snapshot creation requirements. Most of the time, an Organization's Default Power Calculation should be of Calculation Type 'Token Weighted'.

Short Description: A brief description of this Voting Power Calculation

Compatibility: Cannot be edited. On-chain, Agora for Agora Voting Power Calculations, Off-Chain, Clarity for all Snapshot Calculations.

Calculation Type: Token Weighted or 1 Member 1 Vote

Configuring Tokens in a Token-Weighted Voting Power Calculation

For Token Weighted Voting Power Calculations, Governance Assets will need to be added to the Calculation. To add a new asset, select from the Add Asset dropdown list. The assets in this list are the Governance Tokens Configured in your Governance Tokens section.

Each token you add will have some options to customize how it is used in this calculation:

Scale: Linear or Quadratic.

Weight: The weight to give this asset

Click here to see more about how Voting Power Calculations are made using these inputs.

Last updated