Polls vs Proposals

Polls and Proposals are both ways to gather feedback from a community.


Polls are intended to be a formal way of gathering community sentiment, but do not carry as high of a social contract as Proposals do. Polls are instead used for informing a more official Proposal in the future.

Creating or approving polls can be limited to Admin users of an Organization depending how the Decentralization Parameters are set up.


Proposals are a way of making an official decision on Clarity.

For Organizations that do not have access to Agora Proposals, Snapshot Proposals can be used as a way to take an off-chain vote that has a higher social contract than a Poll. This decision is expected to be executed by the Organization's trusted actor at the completion of the vote. Snapshot proposals have the same stages as Polls above.

For Agora DAOs, fully on-chain Agora Proposals are available.

Last updated