Creating a Poll

Step 0: Make sure you have the proper permissions for this Organization to create a Poll. If you are not an Organization Admin and the Organization has elected to restrict Poll creation to Admin users, you will not be able to create Polls.

Step 1: From the 'Governance' tab, click '+ New'. Select 'Poll'.

Step 2: Fill out the form to create the Poll.


Name: The title of the Poll

Image: An image for the Poll

Description: Outline what the poll is for here. Give an explanation of what is being voted over, and explain each option that is being presented


Add an Option

Click 'Add Option'. Enter the Option's name and description.

Edit an Option

To edit an existing option's name or description, click the edit icon in the option, then make the desired changes.

Delete an Option

Click the delete icon of the Option you want to delete.


Voting Opens Date: The date and time that voting opens. Time is in your local timezone.

Voting Deadline:The date and time that voting closes. Time is in your local timezone.

Advanced Poll Settings

Shuffle submissions: Default is no. If yes, the order of options will be shuffled for each user that views the Poll.

Allow voting on multiple options: Default is no. If yes, users can user their whole voting power to vote for unlimited options.

Show vote count during voting: Default is no. If yes, users will be able to see how many votes each option has while voting is still taking place. If no, the results will be hidden until voting closes.

Step 3: Click 'Submit'

Note: Depending on the Organization's Decentralization Settings, Polls may be required to be approved by one or more Admin users before becoming public for the entire community to vote on.

Last updated