Manage Membership and Permissions

Membership and permissions allow DAOs to gate some information to community members only.

Manage Membership Workflow

All new users must go through an Organization's New Member Workflow to join. This workflow can be customized to meet your Organization's needs.

To Edit your Organization's Membership Workflow:

Step 0: Navigate to the Membership Workflow Configuration

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Membership page of your organization. Click the Admin page.

Step 1: Edit your New Member Application

Select the requirements you want new members to satisfy. Higher barriers to entry mean less spam but are less inclusive.

Step 2: Save your changes.

Once you've made changes to your workflow, click the Save Changes button at the top.

Manage Organization Permissions

Some information for a DAO can be public, and some should be reserved for members only. This section will show you how to configure this in Clarity.

Step 0: Navigate to the Access widget

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Admin page of your organization. Scroll down to the 'Access' widget.

Step 1: Click 'Edit'

Step 2: Configure Permissions

Choose who can see what. Non-members who try to view information gated to members will be redirected and prompted to join your organization by completing the Membership Application Workflow created above.

Step 3: Save your changes.

Managing Admin Permissions

Step 0: Make sure you are an Organization Super Admin. If you are not an Organization Super Admin, but you think you should be, ask one of the existing Super Admins to add you.

Step 1: From the Admin page, find the Admins widget, and Click 'Edit'

Step 2: Make the necessary Admin changes

Adding an Admin

In the 'Edit Admins' popup, click 'Add' at the top.

Enter the address to add as an Admin, and click 'Add Address'.

Edit the new admin's role if desired.

Removing an Admin

In the 'Edit Admins' popup tab, click the delete icon next to the Admin to remove.

Changing an Admin's role

In the 'Edit Admins' popup tab, choose whether the user should have Admin or Super Admin privileges from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Click Submit and sign the message.

Last updated