Creating and Managing Rewards

As DAO members participate in Governance and complete Quests, they earn Gems for their DAO. Rewards are a way to redeem Gems for prizes.

Creating a new Reward

Step 0: Go to the Rewards Admin Section

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Rewards page. Click the admin tab.

Step 1: Add a new Reward

Click the Add button in the Rewards section.

Step 2: Fill out the reward information

Name: The name of this reward

Price: The number of Gems this reward costs to redeem

Point of Contact: The organization administrator who DAO members can reach out to regarding their redemptions.

Description: Describe this Reward

Expires?: Set a deadline to claim this Reward.

Reward Type:

Email means the reward will be completed manually via a process where a DAO administrator will follow up to complete the reward claiming manually over email. This is very manual but very flexible.

NFT reward types integrates with existing NMKR NFT projects to mint from a collection using Gems.

Step 3: Add reward

Last updated