Creating and Managing Quests & Raids

Creating a New Board

Step 0: Go to the Quests Page

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Quests page of your Organization.

Step 1: Click 'Add Board'

Step 2: Select your Board Type

Quests Boards are long-term boards that hold quests. Quests can be completed one time for a fixed reward of tokens or gems. Use Quests for challenges you want all members to complete at any point, like completing social onboarding steps or interacting with your dApp.

Raid Boards are time-boxed competitions between the community. Members compete to complete the most challenges over a given period. Use Raid Boards for short term goals, like a marketing push.

Step 3: Fill out the form to create your board.

Board Status: Archived or Active

Board Name: Name this Raid or group of Quests

Description: Give this board a description

Timeline: Define when this board will be open. For Quests boards, most will be Always Open. For Raid challenges, a start and end date are required.

Standings and Rewards: This section is only relevant to Raids

Reward Distribution Type: Top Contributors defines top positions of the raids and sets the reward the DAO member finishing in that place gets. Pro Rata rewards distributions takes a total reward amount and splits it among all Raid participants according to their proportional participation.

Rewards: Configure the rewards to give to the winners of your Raid

Creating a New Quest or Raid Challenge

Once you have created a board, you can add Quests or Raid Challenges.

Step 0: Find the Board you want to add to

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Quests page of your Organization. Click the Admin tab, and find the board you want to add to.

Step 1: Click Add

Click 'Add Raid Challenge' to add to a Raid Board, or 'Add Quest' to add to a Quest Board.

Step 2: Fill out the form to create your Quest or Raid Challenge

Name: Name your challenge

Gems/Raid Challenge Points: Define the reward for completing this challenge. If it is a Quest, the user will receive this many of your organization's Gems for completing this. If this is a Raid Challenge, the user will level up the Raid leaderboard by this many points.

Description: Explain your incentive.

Deadline: Give you incentive a deadline.

Board: Choose which board this will go to.

Type: Choose if this will use any of the automation plugins.

Further Configuration: Depending on if you selected an automated incentive type, you will need to provide more information.

Approving Pending Quests/Raid Challenges

Incentives that use plugins with Twitter and Discord can be verified automatically. For manual incentives, admins must approve submissions.

Step 0: Find the Quest/Raid Challenge you want to check submissions for

Connect your wallet and navigate to the Quests page of your Organization. Click the Admin tab, and scan for pending incompletions, which will show up as a blue number with a clipboard.

Step 1: Click the Incentive to check submissions for

Step 2: Approve or deny submissions

Last updated